World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

What is WWW :-
image of WWW

Term WWW means World Wide Web or Simply Web.  The WWW is just one of many applications of the Internet and computer networks. WWW consists of all the public Web sites connected to the Internet worldwide. British Engineer and Computer Scientist Tim Berner Lee Developed the concept of WWW , First browser , First Web Server in 1990. Now , he is The Director of World Wide Web Consortium
Tim Berner Lee profile image
Tim Berner Lee When he Developed WWW
World Wide Web is based on these technologies:
1. Multiple Protocol Supports (HTTP :- Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
2. Distributed Information
3. Web servers and Web browsers
4. HTML :- Hypertext Markup Language
5. Graphical User Interface (GUI)
6. Multimedia Capabilities
7. Interactive Access

Three main protocols:
1. HTML: simple markup language for describing hypertext page
2. HTTP: which is used by web browsers to communicate with web clients
3. URL: specified address of any documents, mapped with DNS domain name server
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C):
1. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the Standards Organization for managing the World Wide Web (W3).
2. Tim Berner Lee is the Founder of the World Wide Web Consortium.
3. Member of W3C is Working Together in Developed of Standards of World Wide Web.
4. Now , W3C also Engages in Developed of Education , Software and Open Forum For Discussion about the Web. 

Importance of W3C Validation in Web Design: 
First I would Like to say that success of your business through web sites is depends on how positive impression you can create in the mind of your Customer. Websites is the online representation of your business. Main purpose of the W3C is that to ensure all the web sites and its components works without any glitches because some browser have their own HTML tag then if your web site is browser dependent, it might create a problem for other browser or could't open properly.

So There are some of the benefits if your web sites is W3C Compliant.
1. Your web sites is becomes very easy to maintain.
2. It would increase your SEO Rank and enhance the visibility of your web sites.
3. It would increase the functionality of your web sites and makes it as user friendly for accessing your web sites more user navigate to your web sites.


Note: Images are used only for educational purpose.

Thank you to all my reader

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