HTML Marquee Tag

HTML Marquee Tag

Marquee Tag

Marquee Tag is used For the Scrolling The Text on the Web page . With

Marquee Tag , you Can Create a More Spicy and Attractive  Web Page .

You Can Scroll The Text As Well As Images or Combination of both .

Ex :

<marquee> Example of Marquee Tag </marquee>

Example of Marquee Tag


Marquee Tag Have a List of Attribute , Function and value of Each Marquee

Tag is Define below.

Sr. Attribute Name Attribute Value Function
1. behaviour Alternate , Scroll , Slide It Tell The browser About The Type of the Scrolling
2. bgcolor Any Color Name (or hex Code) Specify The Background Color
3. direction Left , Right , Up, Down Direction of the Scrolling corresponding to the value of the direction Attribute
4. height height value (pixel or percent) Informs to the browser to the height of the marquee
5. hspace hspace value (pixel or percent) Informs to the browser to the horizontal space around the marquee
6. loop loop value (number) Defines How Many Times To Loop (Default is INFINITE)
7. scrolldelay scrolldelay value (seconds) Defines How Many seconds delay between each jump
8. scrollamount scroll speed (number) It Defines The Speed of the Scrolling Content
9. width width value (pixel or percent) Informs to the browser to the width of the marquee
10. vspace vspace value (pixel or percent) Informs to the browser to the vertical space around the marquee

Example of Marquee Tag and Its Attribute

1. Scrolling of the Text

<marquee behaviour="scroll" direction="right"> i-World-Tech </marquee>


2. Scrolling Upward

<marquee behaviour="scroll" direction="up"> i-World-Tech </marquee>


3. Scrolling Speed

(A). Slow Speed

<marquee behaviour="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="1"> Example of Slow Speed </marquee>

(B). Medium Speed

<marquee behaviour="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="15"> Example of Medium Speed </marquee>

(C). Fast Speed

<marquee behaviour="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="25"> Example of Fast Speed </marquee>

Example of Slow Speed

Example of Medium Speed

Example of Fast Speed

4. Scroll Image

To Scroll The Image , You Just Add the Src Attribute of img Tag . In The

Value of the src Attribute , You Specify The URL of the Image .


<marquee behaviour="scroll" direction="left"> <img src="" > </marquee>

5. Scroll Image and Text (both Together)

<marquee behaviour="scroll" direction="left"> <img src="" >
<h4> </h4></marquee>


Nesting of the Tags is Allowed inside the MarqueeTag but it Should

be in Proper order.

Thank You To All My Reader
Deepak Gupta

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