Today Friends I Want To Tell You How To Make a Simple Calculator
in batch programming. here is the Source Code...
Text Editor :- Notepad
Save as :- .bat file
Created By :- Deepak Gupta
@echo off color b0 :home title Calculator echo Simple Calculator in Batch programming echo Designed By :- Deepak Gupta echo echo Enter the First Operand set /p one= cls echo Enter the Operator [+,-,*, /] set /p two=%one%... echo Enter the Second Operand set /p three=%one%%two% set /a final=%one%%two%%three%$ cls echo Result echo %one%%two%%three%=%final% pause cls goto home |
Now ,
Step-1. You Copy the Source code and paste in Notepad .
Step-2. Save it as .bat file .
Enjoy With Your Simple Calculator in Batch programming...
10nx 4 sharing...nice game..:):)