Google Alerts send you email notification based on Your search
queries , whenever there are new results . Google Alerts Provides
you content From only Google Search Engine .
Why we Create a Google Alerts :-
Google Alerts are Useful For..
1. Get the Latest News About any company , job notifications .
2. Monitor Your Sites .
3. Get the Notifications for your desired Specified topic .
4. Keep up to date on a industry .
5. Google Alerts automatically notifies to you when new results from
Web , blog , news , video and Forum matches with the your
desired search query .
For Creating the Google Alerts you just follow the below Steps..
Step-1. Go to Google Alerts Home Page and Sign In With Your
Google Account .
Step-2. Here You Find a such type of Form..
Search query :- Enter your desired Search query to get the
Email Notifications .
Result Type :- Select your Result type
(Everything , News , Blog , Video , Discussion , Books)
How often :- Determine the Frequency of the new contents .
How many :- type of result which you want to be notified .
Deliver to :- Give your Email-id
Step-4. Click on CREATE ALERT button . Now You Have Done...
Thank You To All My Reader :-
Deepak Gupta
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