How We send a Fake mails :-

do you Know How we send a fake today I am going to show

you how to send fake mails. You can send Emails with others name,

or other email address .

What is Fake Mail?

A fake mail is a mail in which the sender can send this mail to anyone 

without mention his/her original ID.

Now you follow the steps below :

Step-1. Click on this link Emkei's Fake Mailer

Step-2. after click, you got such type of form on this sites.

Step-3. you just fill that forms.

            From Name : This is the option from which the mail is to be send.
                From E-mail : Here you can give any Email-ID as per your choice.
                To : here you have to give the recipient's Email address.
                Subject : Anything as per your choice.
                Attachment : if you want to attach the files with mail,then choose a file .
                Captcha : Enter that text,appears on captcha block.
                Text : Anything as want to write .
                Send : send it to the victim .

NOTE :-  This post was only for Educational purpose. So remember don't use it for any illegal purpose or you only will be responsible. 

Thank You To All My Reader :

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