Window 8 New Shortcuts keys

Windows 8

New Version of the Microsoft Window 8 launched with a New Exciting

Features . So that Windows 8 have some New Shortcuts to the previous

Version of the Windows . Here , is the Some Windows 8 New Shortcuts.

1. Win + C

In Windows 8 , This Keyboards Combo will Open The Charm bar

 Charm bar

2. Win + Q

Open The Search bar to Search any File , Document and Application

Windows 8

3. Win + H

Display The Share Menu in the Charm bar

4. Win

Open The Start Menu

5. Win + K

Display The Device Menu in the Charm bar

6. Win + I

Open The Setting Menu in the Charm bar

7. Win + X

Open the Advance Menu Like Program and Features , Mobility Center ,

Power Option , Command prompt and Other Option  at Left bottom

Side of the Desktop

Advance Menu Windows 8

8. Win + F

Display The Search File Menu in The Search Charm bar

Windows 8

9. Alt + Tab

2D Cycle Through Open Application

10. Win + D

This Keyboard Combo Activate the Desktop Mode in your System.

11. Alt + F4

If you Working in Any Application Than , This Combo Will Close

The Application

12. Win + W

Display The Settings Menu in The Search Charm bar

13. Win + . (dot)

Change The Current Windows 8 Style To Right From Left or vice versa .

it Depends on How Many Time your Press This keyboard Combo .

14. Win + P

This Combo Will Open The Second Screen Option To Connect The Projector

and Other Device With Your System .

Windows 8 Second Screen

15. Win + L

This Combo Will Lock your System .

16. Win + PrtSc

This Keyboard Shortcut take a Screenshot and Save it in the

Pictures -> ScreenShots Folder

17. Alt + F4

While You are Working in Desktop Mode , This Combo Will Provide

You Shutdown , Sleep, Switch user and Other Options .

Shutdown Menu Windows 8

18. Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Display The Window Task Manager

Windows 8 task Manager

19. Shift + Click on Application

if you Press Shift and Click on Application , This it Will Open the Another

Instance of the Application.

20. Win + Pause

Display The System Properties.

Thank You To All My Reader
Deepak Gupta

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