Create a Short URL For Google+ Profile

Google+ Profile

Short URL For Google+ Profile

As you All Know That Google+ have a Unique ID For Each Account but This

ID in a Long Series of Number. You Can not remember your Google+ ID and

You Can Not Tell your Google+ ID To Your Friends . so Google+ Provides

to Short The Google+ ID to Your Specific Unique Username. Like The Other

Social Networking Site Here , You Also Create a User name your

Google+ ID.

Ex :

So Similarly to Other Social Networking Site you Can Create a user name for

your Google+ Profile

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you Can Also Create a user name for your Google+ Page

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Now, You Follow the Following Steps To Create a username for your

Google+ ID

Step-1. Go To The Link

Step-2. Here , You Enter your Google+ ID and User name .

Your Google+ ID : Enter Your Unique Google+ ID as Shown in Fig.

Nick Name : Enter your Unique user name

add : Click on add button

Step-3. Now , it Will Check Username is Available or not. if your user name

is available , it Will Allocated To Your . and if not so, you Repeat Step-2


Step-4. Hence , you Will get a user name for your Google+ Account. and

your Google+ Account URL is

Like :

Thank You To All My Reader
Deepak Gupta

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