Add Command Prompt
To open the command prompt, you have two methods to open it.
Method-1. Win + R ( Run box) and Type cmd.
Method-2. All Program -> Accessories -> Command prompt
but now , For the Quick Access you can add command prompt to any Folder
right click Menu. Here is the Step by Step tutorials, you Follow that.
Step-1. Open Registry Editor (Win + R and Type regedit).
Step-2. Navigate to this Key
Step-3. Inside the Shell Directory you Create New Key (Right click ->
New -> Key ) and name this key as CommandPrompt.
Step-4. In The Right panel you change the default value (Right Click and
Modify) and enter the new value as Open Command Prompt.
Step-5. Now Inside the Commandprompt key, you create a command key and
give the value as cmd.exe /k cd %1 (Create Key as mentioned in step-3 & 4)
Step-6. Hence you Have Done.. Right Click on any Folder, you Find a Open
Command prompt button.
Another Method
This code is the Short Form of the Above methods. here , you Can add the
key and change the value with the help of Notepad.
Step-1. You Copy the below code, paste it in notepad.
Step-2. Save it as addprompt.reg file.
Step-3. It is a registry file so open it with registry editor and allow to open.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\CommandPrompt] @="Open Command Prompt " [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\CommandPrompt\Command] @="cmd.exe /k cd %1" |
Hence command prompt is added to the folder right click menu.
Thank You To All My Reader
Deepak Gupta
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