JavaScript Operator

JavaScript Operator

javascript Operator

JavaScript contains long list of the operator which are given in the following table. JavaScript supports the following types of the operator.

1. Arithmetic Operator

2. Logical Operator

3. Assignment Operator

4. Comparison Operator

5. Conditional Operator

6. BitWise Operator

7. Special Operator

Let Suppose, a=b+c is an expression
Where a= Resultant operand
b=left side operand
+=Addition operator
c=right side operand

1. Arithmetic Operator
Ex : + , - , * , / , % , ++ , --

2. Logical Operator
Ex : && , || , !

3. Assignment Operator
Ex : = , +=, -=, *=, /= ,%=

4. Comparison Operator
Ex : == , != , > , <  , >= , <= , === , !==

5. Conditional Operator
Ex : ?:

6. Bit Wise Operator
Ex : & ,  | , ^ , ~ , << , >> , >>>

6. Special Operator

Ex : new , delete , instanceof, typeof

List of JavaScript Operator

Sr. Operator Name Operator Symbol Function
1.Addition + Addition Operations and String Concatenation
2.Append +=Mathematical Shorthand Operator and Append The Variable data String
3.Assignment = Assign The New value of Left Operand is Equal To Right Operand
4.Comma , To Pass The Multiple Argument in Function , Array
5.decrement -- decrease a Number by 1
6.delete delete To delete The objects
7.division / Divide Two Numbers
8.Equal == Compare The value of the Left and Right Side Operand
9.Greater Than > Check Left Operand is Greater Than To Right Operand
10.Greater Than or Equal >= Check Left Operand is Greater Than or Equal To Right Operand
11.In in it Checks That Instance is the Property of the proper object or not
12.Increment ++ Used To increment The number by 1
13.Instanceof instanceof Checks that left Side operands Matches with the data type of right side operand
14.Less Than < Check Left Operand is Less Than To Right Operand
15.Less Than or Equal <= Check Left Operand is Less Than or Equal To Right Operand
16.Logical AND && evaluate Left and Right Side Operand both value is true or not
17.Logical NOT ! it Will Return true if operand is Empty Otherwise false
18.Logical OR || evaluate Left and Right Side Operand Any One value is true or not
19.Modulus % Evaluate remainder of the two left and right side Operand .
20.Multiplication * Multiply of Two Number
21.New new Define The new instance of the object Which We created
22.Not Equal != Check That Operand on Left side is not equal to the right side Operand.
23.Strict Equal === Similar To The Equal Operator but it also evaluate the data type also .
24.Strict Not !== Similar To The Not Equal Operator but it also evaluate the data type also .
25.Subtraction - Subtraction of two Number
26.Ternary (expression) ? "output if expression is true" : "output if expression is false"Sort Form of the Conditional Statement
27.This this Dynamically Access The object Property
28.Typeof typeof return the data type of an object
29.void void it will gives no return value

 typeof Operator

typeof operator return the data type of an Object. Following is the list of return value of the typeof Operator.

Sr. Data Type Return Value
2.Undefined undefined
3.Number number
4.String string
5.Boolean boolean
6.Object object
7.Function function

Shorthand Operator

Ex : a+=b 

Means a=a+b

Sr. Shorthand Operator Meaning

Thank you to all my reader

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