How we Install Apache Tomcat Server

Apache tomcat server

What is Apache Tomcat Server

Apache Tomcat Server Formerly Known as Jakarta Tomcat. it is a Open

Source Web server Developed by the Apache Software Foundation 

( ASF ). Tomcat Server is implemented for the Java Servlet and Javaserver

Pages ( JSP ). Here, is the Tutorial, How To Download Apache Tomcat

Server, Install Properly and how to check whether is Installed Successfully

or not.

Download Apache Tomcat Server 7.0

If you have not the setup File of the Apache Tomcat Server 7.0 Which is the

Latest Version, Then you can download from the below Link.

download Apache tomcat server

Here , you Download the file According to your System. if you are using 64

bit system then download the file of 64 bit Windows zip file.

Install Apache Tomcat Server 7.0

Now, You have the Setup File of the Apache Tomcat Server 7.0 so Next Step

is you Click on the Setup File and Install It.


if you want to change the path of the Apache Tomcat Server, Then Here you

can change it but you should remember it. By Defaults it will Take

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation.

Install Apache tomcat server


HTTP/1.1 Connector Port

During The Installation, Setup Wizard Will ask you The HTTP/1.1 Connector

Port. By Default it will take 8080 port number. but if you are using any other

service in 8080 port number Like ORACLE , Then you change the Port

Number for the Apache Tomcat Server as 8081 Like The below Fig.

User Name and Password : If you Want Specify The Username and

Password for our Apache Tomcat Server Then Enter the username and


port number Apache tomcat server

Set The Environment Variable

After the Installation Process , you set the Environment variable. so Here , is

the Step by Step Process to Set the Environment Variable.

Step-1. Open The Control panel and go to this Link

Control Panel\System and Security\System

Step-2. Here , in the Right Side panel you Will Find a Advance System 

Setting Options Click on that Options. it will open the system Properties.

advance system settings

Step-3. In The Advance Tab you Click on the Environment variable button.

Environment variable

Step-4. Here , you set the value for the user and system variable

User variable : Now you Create a New Variable ( Click on New button).

Variable name : CATALINA_HOME

Variable Value : Here , you Enter the path of the Tomcat 7.0 according to

your system. as in my System it is

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0

and Press OK

user variable


CATALINA : CATALINA is a Apache Tomcat Server's Servlets Container.

it Implements Java Servlets and Javaserver Pages.

System Variable :

First you Create a New Variable ( Click on the New Button)

Variable name : CLASSPATH

Variable value : Here , you Specify the path of Two file namely,

servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar according to your system. as in my system it is

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\lib\servlet-api.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\lib\jsp-api.jar

system variable

Path System Variable :

In System Variable you Search the Path Variable and click on that variable

Variable Value : At Last you Append the Path of the bin

directory of Apache Tomcat Server According to your System.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin

system variable

Hence your Apache Tomcat Server is Successfully Installed in your System.

How To Check Whether is Installed Successfully or not...?

Step-1. First you Open any Web browser and In Address bar you

Enter the http://localhost:8081/

Why 8081..??

As I Mentioned Earlier That i'm using the Port Number 8081 for the Apache

Tomcat Server so i Enter http://localhost:8081/ but you enter the Port number

which you give at the time of Installation.

so if it will open the Apache Tomcat/7.0.39 Successfully Installed page. it

means Apache Tomcat Server is Successfully configured in your System but

if not so that means any error occurred during the Installation Process, you

check the steps one by one.

Successfully Installed Apache Tomcat Server

Thank You To All My Reader
Deepak Gupta

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